We now have our back issue sales over at Comic Collector Live! Look for the 100PercentComics store!
On sale

H%C #4


What started out as a fun anthology we started with a theme of Vice but it sort of went off the rails from there and has turned into a showcase based about he very interesting and idiosyncratic creator Mr. Tony "Tex" Watt!

This issue is 32-pages of fun including multiple comics by Tony, along with a 5-page story by newcomer to the H%C realm Dylan Pemberton. In our written feature, The Pulp, we have a guest editorial from Mr. Jeremy Lott, a comics writer and editor, talking about why we need more money in comics.

B/W Interiors
32 total pages, 28 internal.
All proceeds are funneled back into new projects through the Make More Comics Arts Grant. Please visit makemorecomics.com for more details!

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